Folk Art Traditional styles of decorative painting
tend to be referred to as "folk art" for indeed it
is "art of the people" having had their origins among
peasants and artisans of the past.
Some kind of traditional folk art exists
in the history of each of the different cultures of the world
and as such there are probably as many types of traditional
folk art as there are cultures of the world. Some of the more important ones are featured here.      
Many of the traditional
folk art styles are known by the names of the villages or regions
from which they originated or by the foreign name associated
with the region.
of Traditional Folk Art There are several features generally associated
with traditional folk art:
- they were usually painted with a round
brush. Today, filberts may be used in some styles such as zhostovoresulting in a more contemporary look
- the early artisans used brushes made
from the hair of animals such as sable or squirrel. Brushes
with mixed hair or completely synthetic can be used successfully
for some of the styles
- a limited colour palette of primary
colours was generally used
- the designs comprised strokework, usually
comma strokes, S-strokes, C-strokes