


Decorative Painting Tips: Glazing

  • After basecoating and before transferring your pattern, apply a coat of Clear Glaze Medium to the basecoat. It acts as a protective layer and seals the basecoat. Make sure it is completely dry before you transfer the pattern.
  • For one-step basecoating, you can also add glaze medium to your basecoat paint as an alternative to all-purpose sealer.

  • Glaze medium is also useful as a barrier coat between painting sessions: apply a thin coat over your project at any phase to protect what you've already painted. Dry completely and continue painting or leave it for the next session. If you don't like what you have done, you can just wipe it off with a damp cloth or a cotton bud on a smaller surface or specific sections without harming what is under the glaze.

  • Glazing can also be used as a technique to create depth and luminosity in your painting. Just layer it in on the section of the flower, e.g., that you are painting. So you would paint the section, dry, then brush in a thin layer of clear glaze medium, dry, paint a thin layer of the next colour and so on. The result is a unique kind of luminous, light-from-within effect.

  • Glaze medium can also be used with your paints to create a stain. To make your own wood stain, mix paint and Clear Glaze Medium in the ratio of 1:4. If you want a little more "open time", add a bit of Retarder.

  • Try glaze medium when applying your floats. It helps to make them softer.

  • Glaze medium can be used in faux finishes especially when trying to create a quick faux marble effect.


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